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Josh Byrne


Josh Byrne is an environmental scientist and urban design professional with a national profile as a consultant, researcher and communicator in urban sustainability. His approach is leadership through demonstration by engaging in projects that provide opportunities to test innovation, build capacity and share learnings with stakeholders and the wider community.


Josh has a long association with applied research, complementing his extensive industry experience in the urban design and development sector. Following the completion of his PhD, Josh was responsible for running nationwide, demand-led research projects with Curtin University and the Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living. His research expertise spans water-sensitive design, energy efficient housing and sustainable urban development, and he has authored a number of academic publications, industry guides and factual video series in these fields.

Josh is well known as the WA presenter on ABC TV’s Gardening Australia program where over the past 20 years he has demonstrated how gardening can improve urban livability to a national audience. He is a regular contributor to print and radio media and the author of three popular books on sustainable gardening and low carbon living.  


Josh’s unique skill set and interdisciplinary approach to practice, research, policy and communication have been recognised through numerous awards including the Australian Water Association WA Water Professional of the Year, the Planning Institute of Australia WA Planning Champion, and Murdoch University’s Distinguished Alumni for Science and Engineering. He is a member of the Waste Authority of Western Australia and the WA State Government Design Review Panel.

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